• Allowing banks to raise the maximum payment through point of sale devices to 200 thousand riyals



    Respected subscribers of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best greetings and would like to inform you about receiving a letter from the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (1709) and dated (16/6/1439) that referred to the letter of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment No. (32005) dated (12/6/1439). It referred to the circular that allows banks to raise the maximum payment through point of sale devices to 200 thousand riyals at the request of the customers and the Bank's estimate, in accordance with the controls set forth in the circular above.

    As of 30/9/2018, all banks can control the increase of this limit to more than 200 thousand for the segments of customers that are wishing to increase it in accordance with its assessment and the evaluations of the potential risks, and notify the Corporation of the respective purchasing limits for each of its customers at the time.​

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